Mary Renault is an author I admire. I was reminded of one of her works, The Last of the Wine, today when my dear friend indicated that an aspect of our study ritual would have to end. It is a matter of focus, I'm told. How does this relate to our ITS cohort, you ask...?
Our cohort is similar in many respects to a symposium. The etymology of "symposium" is from the Greek verb "sympotein," which translates to "to drink together."
Notum sit quod mihi est... if you drink with me, you will learn something.
Now I'm in an awkward position of having to relate this in some fashion to XML and the benefits derived from sharing data across different information systems/platforms. A picture is always nice, I say. So what can we say about the graphic herein contained? What elements of design are exemplified? What meaning does this have for you?
A posted response will complete this passage. So, kind madam and sir, let us hear your remarks. Tell us what you think of "The Last of the Wine." Should we take a page from the Greeks, or should we continue to subscribe to the Wired notion of being connected?
Hurray for etymology! My favorite. Well, isn't it interesting how words change over time? Perhaps not so much. I was just about to make a point about not drinking and driving and the benefits of drinking together over the internet, but that still seems like drinking alone somehow. Certainly the notion of sharing thoughts over a glass of pinot or porter or grappa is warm and appealing, so long as the two carousers are intent on those ideas. It makes for sloppy product, of course.
Then again, being a beer person, I'd rather share my thoughts in a rathskeller (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=rathskeller) (council+ cellar).
btw, check out this vinophile's blog at http://vinofictions.blogspot.com/ (where is that hyperlink button?!)It claims to be a "blog that proves 'in vino veritas.'" Doesn't that mean "in wine there is truth"?
over my head!
I almost feel guilty, having read your blog, read the comments and gone to another blog, to experience the true vinophile experience, to return to your blog and comment. But, this is what I like about this format-- anything goes! I can't wait to try marinading my next piece of meat (or poultry) in a bag in box wine. It sounds like something worth experiencing. Wine makes me happy and is often what I use to extend a friendly "hello", "I'll miss you", or "I am thinking about you". Wine is a natural drink that seems to connect one to the earth.
Good luck on Friday during the exit experience....stay in touch as you begin that new job!
I think that face to face interaction is always preferred, of course, especially when sharing a bottle of wine. However, sometimes that is not possible. In those cases where f2f is not possible I'd rather be connected digitally than not connected at all. It has been wonderful working with you! Best wishes in your new job. Let us all know when the cultural center opens. Keep in touch!
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