Sunday, June 17, 2007

Memory - Not the Song from CATS - the oft-unsung hero of computers!

Digital video and complementary computer programs which allow non-linear editing sure are nifty tools and devices. They afford users endless possibilities to express ideas. We've been using the media to construct a public service announcement on bullying. We happened upon a wonderful poem which was a perfect fit for our project. We experienced technical difficulties with the MovieMaker software package. It appears that without sufficient computer memory, creative projects come to a screeching halt or crash. I may be overstepping my bounds by qualifying our project as creative. We did, however, create it.

You would think that school systems would be endeared to memory. As technologists, we need to rise up and demand more memory in school computers. Adding computer memory is one of the least expensive ways to boost a computer's performance.

Regarding the process, I think that this has been one of the most difficult assignments we have had. Hopefully our PSA will be nominated for a PSA Award. We would be happy with any one:
  • Poultry Science Association Award

  • Poetry Society of America Award

  • Political Studies Association Award


Wantok said...

I am jumping on board the Movement for More Memory (Mmm) bandwagon. Good idea. Let me know who to write or email or better yet, who to spam. Good luck with your video.

Carlene said...

Working on the PSA was fun and frustrating. When it froze and went into slow mode, I think we experienced the frustration that teachers feel when technology doesn't work the way we expected. It did made us stop before we had planned.


Steve said...

You're right regarding the memory issues. More would be better and it is getting chraper all the time. Keep in mind that we are pushing the edges, so there will be some problems. That doesn't mean we should stop pushing, but we need to undrstand that there will be problems.

Lack of memory can be a huge issue as you start working with graphics.
It will get better, and we are in much better shape than many districts.

I can say that I hear that there are plans to expand the network pipes so that we can open up a few things. Not letting folks stream video has more to do with bandwidth than other issues.